Thursday, September 20, 2007

Waiting for an appointment

I am now waiting for a subspecialist to call me to make an appointment. His office said to expect it to take weeks. Meanwhile, when my hand and arm start to shake at work, it goes into my pocket. I just do not want this out for fear it will shade different people's perception of my capabilities. It is a fearful place to be. The strain of secrecy leaves me exhausted.
After checking with the extended family, not only does my maternal aunt have Parkinson's, but a great uncle on the same side of the family had it as well. I guess I won the Parkinson's lottery. Of the 48 grandchildren my grandmother had upon her death, I am the one so far. I think the odds are that 1 or 2 more may yet get the diagnosis. I'm more in the median age of those 48. Time will tell.
Right now, while I'm waiting, I'm deciding what is a priority in my life. Obviously, the main priority is my family. I want to do the extensive family history my Aunt June started, and finish other lines I have begun myself. I want to leave a record, written and electronic, for my children, grandchildren, and the extended family.
Another priority, upon which the first depends, is to simplify my life so that unneeded clutter and upkeep do not infringe on precious time. I'm beginning the weeding out process now. I don't want junk interfering with my life.
I've read a number of blogs from PD patients, and I find it frightening to think in a matter of a few years I may be disabled. I'm avoiding taking supplements of any kind that might interfere with treatment or trials I might get into later. But I am seriously thinking of taking Coenzyme Q10. Have to go.