Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's Mid-October

It's amazing how little has changed. We're not quite out of boxes as work on the house is winding down. Hope to soon be done and have it all put away. Less is positively more! It is my goal to have little or nothing for someone else to have to deal with if I can't do it myself some day. I still putter in antiques and dishes from the Art Deco period, produce a few cards, and just try to keep up here at home.

To say I am sleep disturbed is to put it mildly. Since starting Sinimet I have gradually increased sleep problems as the dose has increased. So I started backing the dose down and have to see the neurologist again this week. I wake up about every one to two hours all night. That's WITH a sleeping pill. I wonder if it would be the same without one, and am thinking about experimenting on that.

Next day I am gorked all day, sort of disorganized and can accomplish about 1/4 what I would normally do. This is frustrating. Good days are after a good night's sleep, and I feel better then, but still don't accomplish much. It's hard to have an effective routine.

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